The final round of poker involves betting until all but one player has folded their hand. If the remaining player remains in the pot, he collects it without showing his hand. If more than one player remains in the pot, there will be a showdown in which the winning hand is revealed. In Omaha, the only hand that is eligible to win the pot is the best five-card hand. The betting phase takes place between newly dealt cards. If the winning hand is higher than any of the other hands, the player takes the pot.
The game’s history is apocryphal, but the earliest version was probably the 17th-century French game poque. It is from this game that we get the word poker. Over the years, it evolved into the German pochen, a new version of primero. It was introduced to North America by French settlers, who brought the game with them. During the nineteenth century, poker became a popular game in many countries, including the U.S.
In addition to poker cards, other important elements of the game include a dealer. In every round of poker, a dealer is chosen to shuffle the deck and deal the cards to players. The dealer may be a player or a non-player. In any case, the dealer is assigned a chip. Each player takes turns being the dealer and passes the chip to another player. While betting, some betting rules are dependent on the location of the dealer.