1. A hole, slit, or groove in a wall, door, or window. 2. A position, appointment, or time slot in which something is to be placed. 3. A slot or opening in a computer that lets data in and out.

4. An area in a hockey game in which the attacking player has a good chance of scoring without a deflection, especially if the center or winger shoots from the low slot. 5. Also, a term used in air traffic management to refer to an allocation of airport slots granted by EUROCONTROL for flights to be operated at certain times, or to specific runways.

A slot in a computer comprises the operation issue and data path machinery surrounding a set of one or more execution units that share these resources. The concept is common in very long instruction word (VLIW) machines and, more generally, in dynamically scheduled computers.

Online slot games are based on the same principles as their brick-and-mortar counterparts, with symbols appearing on a reel to form combinations that pay out prizes. Players choose how much they want to bet per spin and can select the number of paylines that will appear on their game. They can also choose to activate a progressive jackpot or other features that fill progress bars and unlock bonus rounds.

Superstitions and ideologies abound regarding the best strategies for winning at slot games, but experts warn that following these could be a quick way to lose money. It’s impossible to predict when a spin will be lucky, and attempting to increase your bankroll because you think the next spin might be the one is a surefire way to lose.